Mental Health For
Kids, Teens, and Families
Mental health care for kids and teens can be very challenging because their brain is experiencing rapid growth and development at a critical stage of their life. It is important to help them in a way they can understand so they can acquire cognitive and social-emotional skills that they can build upon as they get older.
There are many different approaches to helping children, from talking and cognitive behavioral therapy to family-based interventions (FBI), play therapy, and art therapy.
Children's mental health concerns often get overlooked because parents feel that there is little they can do. However, research is showing us that parents can have a huge impact on their child's mental health.
Many factors can help a child's mental health other than the parent's input, such as the child's peers at school, the child's classroom environment and how it is run, peers' parenting styles, the community they live in, and how they interact with others as well as their strengths and weaknesses.
Family involvement is another key component. Our therapist will help parents fully understand mental health conditions and the best steps to help their child through in-person or online family therapy services in Maryland.
Summit Counseling Group works with children and teens, families, schools, and communities to help improve the lives of all individuals of all ages. We focus on building a personal connection to help our clients see the power they have to make positive changes in their life.
To be successful at helping someone with their mental health concerns, we encourage open communication between therapist, client, and family members. This process takes time but will save you from repeating ineffective therapy methods or treatments.
"Effective treatment for mental health concerns for kids starts with a personal connection between therapist, client, and family.”
- Katie Mary Khun, Clinical Director, Summit Counseling Group
Child Anger Management
Children can experience anger in a variety of ways. Some children may use hostility or physical aggression when expressing their anger, and some may use passive-aggressive behavior such as defiance, avoidance, or withdrawal to respond to frustration.
As a result, some parents may be unaware that their child is struggling with feelings of anger and may fear that the child is angry all of the time.
Summit Counseling Group is a private practice specializing in child mental health, mental health conciliation and mediation, anger management, and substance abuse treatment. Our therapists have years of experience and training in helping clients in these areas.


1 in 6 children aged 2-8 years has a mental, behavioral, or developmental disorder


1 in 5 adolescents aged 12-17 years has experienced a major depressive episode.
Other Services For Kids, Teens, and Families
1) Family therapy: Connecting family members to understand mental health concepts.
2) Mental health assessment: We assess various aspects of a person's life, such as strengths, weaknesses, and family relationships.
3) Psychiatric assessment: We will discuss the family background, history, and current concerns with the client.
4) Cognitive restructuring: This helps people change their thinking patterns regarding the issues presented in therapy.
5) Child anger management therapy: Child anger management therapy is designed to help children skip steps of anger and move forward with their lives.
6) Social skills training: This program helps people learn how to be successful in various social situations such as friendships, dating, casual meetings, job interviews, etc.
Why Choose Us?
Client Wellbeing: Client wellbeing is our #1 priority. We have a sustained commitment to bringing positive transformation to our clients through meaningful human-to-human connections.
Expertise: Our staff comprises some of the most qualified professionals in their field. They are committed to clinical excellence in their respective fields which are anxiety, stress management, trauma, and child & family.
Experience: Our therapists have extensive experience in the real world in addition to the training and certifications they have received. Over and over again, we have helped people facing the same problem as you are facing.
Result Oriented: Our counselors have a long track record of solving clients’ problems with out-of-the-box thinking. We don’t just follow the scripts, we deliver results! Our goal is to make you better so you can move on to live your fuller life.
Evidence-Based: Our therapists are fully licensed and board-certified. Our treatment is supported by scientific evidence. We keep up to date with the latest research to help support our clients.
Flexibility: We offer both in-person and online therapy. You can choose the format that fits you the best. Our in-person therapy can be conducted both indoors and outdoors at our Towson location. Online telehealth session is conducted on HIPAA-compliant platform also simple to use for our clients.
1 in 2 of all lifetime cases of mental illness begin by age 14.
1 in 2 children with behavior disorders received treatment.
Summit Counseling Group works with children and teens, families, schools, and communities to help improve the lives of all individuals we serve. We focus on building a personal connection to help the individual see the power they have to make positive changes in their life.